DVT and Pulmonary Embolism


When patients experience deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), they are at risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Deep vein thrombosis is the medical term for a blood clot, found in the deep veins of the leg.   Pulmonary embolism happens when these blood clots loosen and travel upward toward the lungs, resulting in VTE.

VTE is a dangerous and sudden pulmonary embolism and should be treated with immediate and professional care. Treatment for DVT and PE will vary based on your symptoms and the root cause. At Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center, we handle a wide range of minimally invasive therapies to prevent blood clots and VTE.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

As with most venous insufficiencies, DVT and pulmonary embolism are circulation issues. Many risk factors can affect your body’s blood pressure and leg circulation, including:

  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Obesity
  • Chronic illnesses like congestive heart failure or cancer
  • Recent surgery or trauma
  • Hereditary susceptibility

Most patients report a prolonged muscle cramp in the legs, also known as a charley horse. Leg swelling or discoloration may follow. If the blood clot travels toward your lungs, you may experience DVT pulmonary embolism symptoms such as:

  • Sudden shortness of breath
  • Chest discomfort or tightness
  • Nervousness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Cough

Many of these warning signs are similar to anxiety symptoms, so some physicians easily misdiagnose VTE. At Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center, we perform a venous ultrasound to diagnose DVT.  If clinical suspicion is high, a special CT scan can be performed to look at the lung circulation to see if a blood clot traveled.  This process is noninvasive and shows the root of the issue so we can treat it appropriately.

Treatment and Prevention

DVT and pulmonary embolism treatment depend on your individual needs and the severity of your case. Some mild cases can be treated with anticoagulation or using blood thinners to control the clot. Some physicians may recommend a thrombolytic medication to dissolve the blood clot internally. Our vascular surgeons will evaluate your case to determine the proper treatment.

Medical care is a vital step to address your immediate recovery needs. Once you’ve treated your VTE, it’s crucial to prevent future issues with lifestyle changes. The chances for pulmonary embolism increase as you age, so here are a few ways to monitor and protect your vein and vascular health:

  • Stay active
  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Drink water on flights
  • Monitor your blood pressure
  • Discuss prevention methods with your doctor before a surgery

The best way to avoid DVT and pulmonary embolism is by minimizing and preventing blood clots. With appropriate treatment from a team you trust, you can have peace of mind. Get the medical care you need from Central Florida’s top vein and vascular health resource.

Trust the Professionals at Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center

At Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center, we offer unique solutions for venous disease. Keeping your veins healthy is crucial for maintaining wellness, so allow us to get the job done.

Schedule a consultation if you have DVT symptoms or want to discuss your veins with a specialist. Call 407-545-3385 or 352-658-5547 today!

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