What Is Venous Hypertension?


Venous hypertension is a medical condition that occurs when the pressure inside the veins in the lower extremities increases due to weakened vein valves. Unlike arterial hypertension, which is commonly known as high blood pressure, venous hypertension specifically affects the veins in the legs. This condition can lead to chronic venous insufficiency, a term used to describe weakened veins that can no longer effectively return blood to the heart. If left untreated, chronic venous hypertension can cause discomfort, pain, and skin changes. It’s important to seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of this condition.

There are several risk factors, symptoms and treatments of venous hypertension in legs that are helpful to know to understand this condition better.

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What Are The Risk Factors of Venous Hypertension

Many factors can cause chronic venous hypertension in legs. Also, while this disorder can affect anyone, people in certain demographics may be more susceptible to venous hypertension than others. Some determinants affecting your chances of developing this condition include:

  • Age: Your veins weaken as you grow older, making it easier to develop chronic venous insufficiency and hypertension.
  • Gender: Women are more likely to have venous diseases like venous hypertension. Pregnancy and weight distribution play a role in women having this condition because veins often shift due to hormonal changes.
  • Body weight: Being overweight or obese puts more pressure on your blood vessels, organs and muscles. Your veins often have to work harder to pump blood through your body while enduring this extra pressure, which can lead to venous hypertension.
  • Lifestyle: Your lifestyle and occupation can also cause venous hypertension. If you’re on your feet or sit for long periods without moving much, you can develop this disorder. Smoking and not exercising may contribute to potentially developing venous hypertension, as well.

What Are Venous Hypertension Symptoms

Knowing how to recognize venous hypertension symptoms can help you receive the treatment you need faster. Some symptoms you could experience include:

  • Swelling, pain and tenderness., heaviness, aching, restless legs syndrome, burning, stinging
  • Varicose veins.
  • Leg ulcers.
  • Changes in skin color and texture.
  • Edema, which is swelling caused by fluid buildup.

When you begin noticing these symptoms, it’s vital to look into treatment to ensure professionals care for your pain and damaged veins.

How To Treat Chronic Venous Hypertension

There are several minimally invasive venous hypertension treatment options to improve your legs’ venous health. Choose the best treatment to take care of your particular degree of venous hypertension. Some possible treatments for this condition include:

Endovenous Laser Treatment

A specialist applies heat to the affected veins to collapse and seal them during endovenous laser treatment. Closing the veins eliminates the blood pooling and decreases the pressure build-up, thereby reducing the symptom of venous hypertension.  Blood will stay in the healthy veins and flow normally. 


Sclerotherapy treatments use special solution injections to irritate the veins so that they close. The pressure is released by closing the affected veins with hypertension, causing the blood to flow through other veins.


Some bulging veins with hypertension may benefit from being removed. Microphlebectomy is a procedure that involves making tiny incisions to remove the affected vein. This procedure is helpful for relieving discomfort

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Contact Central Florida Vein & Vascular Center

If you need venous hypertension treatment, the Central Florida Vein & Vascular Center team can help. Learn more about venous hypertension and the treatments we provide by contacting us for information or checking out our helpful guides on our blog.

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