How To Manage Chronic Venous Insufficiency

A burning sensation in your calf

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a condition that results from dysfunctional vein valves in the legs. These valves are responsible for sending blood back toward the heart, but they can wear with time. When these vein valves can no longer transport blood upward, fluid pools in the legs. At this point, patients may find ulcersvaricose veins or hardened skin near the affected area.

People with blood clots, vascular defects or tumors are at risk of chronic venous insufficiency. Some people also develop this condition due to leg damage or a sedentary lifestyle. If you’ve been diagnosed with CVI, your treatment will vary based on the root of the issue and your recovery needs. We may recommend minimally invasive procedures or surgery for venous insufficiency.

Valve Repair and Transplant

Without proper treatment, chronic venous insufficiency can lead to infection, venous ulcers or burst blood vessels. It’s crucial to seek medical care to prevent further complications. Management of CVI offers restorative treatment for some of your body’s most delicate processes.

Though rarely offered, valve repair and transplant procedures are possible treatments for this condition. Valve repair refers to the surgical procedure of restoring a specific valve with stitches. Doctors strengthen the vein walls so the valves can continue sending blood toward the heart. A valve transplant has the same end goal with a different procedure. This surgery replaces a damaged vein with a functional one from elsewhere in the leg.

While these treatments can help, they are not highly effective. Additionally, recovery for venous insufficiency surgery may take up to six weeks. In general, there are better valve repair and transplant surgery alternatives.

Our Minimally Invasive Therapies

At Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center, we offer skilled and minimally invasive therapies that will get you back on your feet in days. Here’s how to reverse venous insufficiency with our team on your side:

  • Endovenous laser treatment: This treatment uses a small catheter to apply heat to the faulty vein. The heat safely collapses the vein and seals it shut, redirecting your blood flow to healthy valves.
  • Microphlebectomy: This procedure uses tiny incisions to remove parts of the damaged vein. Recovery for this venous insufficiency microsurgery is minimal, with excellent healing results and no need for stitches.
  • Venaseal: Specialists will use a catheter and medical glue to seal the damaged vein. With this quick and simple procedure, your leg’s blood flow should return to normal and reroute to healthy passageways.
  • Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy: This treatment involves using an ultrasound to find the varicose vein. Then, the specialist will inject Varithena®, a more powerful noncompounded microfoam, low nitrogen sclerosant medication, to collapse the damaged vein so the body absorbs it. This procedure removes the vein without causing untoward effects, and Varithena has a lower risk profile than other sclerosants.

Depending on your needs, recovery for our CVI therapies could take no more than a day or two. Patients can trust efficient and effective CVI treatment that only takes about an hour. Give yourself the peace of mind and convenience of specialized care from Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center professionals.

Choose Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center for CVI Treatment

Our vein and vascular specialists offer high-end, personalized chronic venous insufficiency treatment. Patients can enjoy expert care from some of the most skilled physicians in the country. Learn more about your CVI treatment options from a team you can trust at Central Florida Vein and Vascular Center.

Call us at 407-545-3385 or 352-658-5547 to schedule a consultation, or contact us online to learn more.

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