True or False? 5 Varicose Vein Facts


There are all sorts of misconceptions surrounding varicose veins. As the vein specialists in Orlando, the team at Central Florida Vein & Vascular Center is dedicated to teaching our patients the facts about varicose veins so they can take steps toward healthy, painless veins. We’ve assembled a handful of common facts about veins.

Anybody Can Get Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can occur at any age. While they are most often spotted in those who are middle-aged, they’re also formed when vein valves don’t function properly. We don’t often associate tired veins with youth.

Unfortunately, varicose veins aren’t exclusive to an age group. Most people bounce back quicker when they’re young, but no one is entirely immune from problematic veins, especially if varicose veins already run in your family. No matter your age, make sure you take the right steps to strengthen your legs and maintain healthy veins. Drink plenty of water, take regular walks, and remember to stretch if you’re often sitting or standing for long periods of time.

Crossing Your Legs Are Not Bad For Varicose Veins

Crossing your legs doesn’t harm your veins. When growing up, a family member may have told you to stop crossing your legs or else lowered circulation would lead to dark, bulging veins on your lower legs. But this old tale simply isn’t true.

If you think about it, it may make sense that keeping your legs uncrossed will help your circulation. However, the problem is not whether or not your legs are crossed. If you work a desk job where you’re often sitting for most of the day, the lack of movement can be bad for your veins. Remember to take a quick walk around the office every hour to get your circulation moving! And when you’re sitting, sit in whatever way is most comfortable for you—even if that’s crossing your legs.

Exercise Helps With Varicose Vein Symptoms

Exercise has a positive impact on vein health. Doesn’t exercise seem like the go-to answer for every possible health concern? From improving your mood to helping your circulation, incorporating mild exercise into your schedule seems to have positive, far-reaching effects on your overall health. Exercise can definitely help lower your risk of forming varicose veins, and if you already have poor vein health, exercise can offer relief.

Low-impact exercises like walking or swimming can help keep your veins healthy. This in turn helps your veins better move blood upward through the leg. If you’re overweight, then incorporating exercise for symptomatic relief is even more important since excess weight can put additional pressure on your veins. Be sure to talk to your doctor to see what type of exercise would be best for your overall health.

You Can Hide Your Varicose Veins

You can wear long pants or use heavy creams to cover unsightly leg veins.

It’s bad enough that varicose veins can make your legs feel painful or heavy. These veins can also appear as dark, bulging veins that are visible under the skin, making many feel self-conscious about the appearance of their legs. Trading out comfortable shorts for long pants may seem like the best solution to hide your veins, but hot clothing can further irritate symptoms. There are other options

Just like concealer can cover any blemishes on your face, there’s makeup that can help lessen the appearance of veins on your legs. For an opaque coverage, try picking up Estée Lauder’s Double Wear in your skin tone or a color correcting concealer. Blend it into your skin over the vein and enjoy cool clothes again!

You Can Treat Varicose Veins Without Vein Stripping

Minimally invasive vein treatment IS available. Vein stripping tends to sound unpleasant. Sure, varicose veins can be painful, but who wants to strip them away? If you’ve heard vein stripping is your only option, it’s understandable that you’re hesitant to begin treatment, but treatment has come a long way in the last few years.

Rest assured, vein stripping isn’t your only option. Depending on the current state of your vein health, specialists like the team at Central Florida Vein & Vascular Center can offer several minimally invasive treatments. Procedures like endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) and ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy can get you back up on your feet quickly, so you can enjoy healthy legs without having to undergo a stressful procedure.

Varicose Veins Are Not Just A Cosmetic Issue

Varicose veins are often times misunderstood as a simple cosmetic issue. These issues are displeasing to look at, but they can be more than that.

Because varicose veins are often times related to a deeper health issue, such as poor blood circulation or blood clots, they are considered more than a cosmetic problem. Varicose veins can be a medical issue in need of attention. This is why vein treatment performed by a medical doctor is likely covered by health insurance, making treatment affordable and longer lasting.

Contact CF Vein

If you’re currently dealing with varicose vein symptoms and would like to learn more about how to best treat them, come visit Central Florida Vein & Vascular Center. We’ll assess the current state of your vein health and create a treatment plan that will be best for you, and communicate every step of the way. You can schedule a consultation by calling 407-545-3385 or 352-658-5547 today. You can also check out our blog to learn more about varicose veins and the current treatment options available.

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